Chores Day Done

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I was feeling very motivated at midnight last night so wrote my to do list for today then. When I woke up I ended up adding several more things to the list, and after I wrote my first blog post today about Sunday not being a “day of rest” ( I figured I should get on with the things on the list.


So I cleaned, tidied, emptied the bins, cleaned some more, blogged, went in the loft, did more cleaning, did copious amounts of washing (all dry thanks to the sunshine).

And look…

Today's To Do List
Today's To Do List

I didn’t do bad in the end did I?! The positive attitude works! Ok so I didn’t run but I certainly didn’t sit around on my bum all day. And I even had a bit of time to myself too.

Here’s hoping the positive attitude and happiness continues. 🙂

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