Olympic Success? Second Chance

posted in: General Post, Health & Fitness | 1

As you know, I really want to see an Olympic event live. It’s been on my bucket list since I first wrote it – and with the Olympics coming to London I stupidly thought “yes, this is my chance”.

Olympic Second Chance Tickets

I didn’t get any tickets in the first round, despite only applying for single seats, so this morning I was eligible to try for the second chance tickets – this time on a first come first served basis.

Unfortunately this was the case for over a million other people in the country.  And, unsurprisingly, I was not successful again.

While the London 2012 site loaded for me and I could search through the events, I couldn’t get beyond that without the “sorry, we cannot process your request'” message.  After trying for an hour I had to get ready for work.  I might try again in the next few days but I reckon the chances of anything being left in my price bracket after today is pretty slim.

London 2012Disappointed again then.

I have had a look at the Thomas Cook Games Breaks, but while they guarantee tickets and accommodation they’re just too expensive for me.

And as no-one has responded to my suggestion that they might want a blogger fo the Games, I guess I’ll be persuading my other half to take me down for the road cycling (which is a free event) or marathon.  Yes I know things will be easier to see on the telly, but that’s not the point – I want to experience the Olympics first hand.

But enough of my woe is me tale (I really should stop moaning!)… those of you who got tickets the first time should now know what you’re going to see. And some of you will have been successful today. Nice one!  Go on, make me jealous – what are you going to see?  And can I come?!

Oh and don’t forget you have a few days left to nominate someone for the torch relay.

  1. Andrea

    Aww I’m sorry you weren’t succesful. On the news last night they were saying some got multiple events where as others, like you got none! They should have restricted it to 1 event per family in my opinion.

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