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My Dad likes likes to write poetry in his spare time, and this week he presented me with this one he’s been working on for a little while. I just had to share it. This is my poem – he has captured my mantra and what it means for my life just perfectly. I love it. Thanks Dad x

Now to continue to do my best to live up to it.

All about the journey. Sitting on Hohe Mut in Obergurgl, Austrian Alps

It’s all about the journey

Life’s all about the journey
The places that we see,
Our destinations hoped for,
And those that cannot be.
It’s about our open highways
Where we take things in our stride,
And the lonely lanes we wander
To the places where we hide.

Life’s all about the journey,
Stumbles that bring us shame,
And how we move on after
While dealing with the pain.
It’s about majestic mountains
And the world views from the top,
When naught else seems to matter –
And we want it not to stop.

Life’s all about the journey
And how we live our life
And how we treat our neighbour
And those we meet in strife.
It forges personality,
Its divides real from pretend,
And asks us if we are going on
When we come to journey’s end.

Life’s all about the journey,
The gods to whom we pray,
The treasures we’ve collected
The things we’ve thrown way.
Our journey is what we make it –
We should face it daringly
And make the most of every step
‘Till we reach our destiny.

For Zoe
David Radford, February 2015


10 Responses

  1. Shybiker

    What a beautiful poem! Your dad is talented and it must mean a lot to have something like this dedicated to you.

    • Splodz

      He is indeed talented and I love that he took time to write a poem just for me, it made me smile from ear to ear 🙂

  2. Jo Cross

    Hi Zoe,

    Please tell your dad that it is such a beautiful poem.

    It has made me smile this afternoon

    I particularly love the last 4 lines. Life really is what we make it.

    Thank you so much for sharing it with us.


    • Splodz

      I will definitely pass that on, thanks for saying so – he has summed up my wish for my life so perfectly, life is indeed all about the journey.

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