Introducing Splodz Blogz TV (An Experiment!)

posted in: Splodz Blogz TV | 4

I have been avoiding video for a while now but recently have been encouraged to embrace it, so I’m planting a tree, conducting an experiment, and seeing if a YouTube channel will work for Splodz Blogz.

Splodz Blogz TV

Subscribe to Splodz Blogz TV

I admit that I don’t really know what I’m doing (having avoided video since my A Levels and first year of my degree), but I have a whole host of ideas and am ready to play.

I’d love some feedback. And your ideas. And your tips.

This could also be the best time for you to make suggestions for my bucket list… comment below!


4 Responses

  1. Shybiker

    OMG!! You’re so appealing!

    It’s a shock when someone we know as a flat, almost-fictional online presence becomes real — a three-dimensional, actual person. And this vlog does that. Not only do we see you visually in a fuller way but we get to hear you. Your voice is adorable and your accent is cute.

    But, best of all, we get to see you think — we watch you process information in your brain as you speak. For me, that’s the true measure of a person because it’s their mind that attracts us or not. Your intelligence, vigor and enthusiasm come through clearly.

    Oh, and that’s a pretty shirt!

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