The Splodz Blogz Photo Challenge | Week 23 #SplodzWPC

posted in: Photography, Year in Photos | 0

Morning all and welcome to week 23 of the Splodz Blogz weekly photo challenge. Apologies to those who were waiting for / expecting one last week; I’m away travelling at the moment and had scheduled a few but still couldn’t keep up. Hopefully that’ll be the only one I miss. 

SplodzWPC Weekly Photo Challenge

Check out #SplodzWPC on Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

Week 23 Theme: Stillness

Zartusacan - Ocean Shores Sunset

There is something about sunset that I find evokes stillness in me. Last night I was lucky enough to watch it over Monument Valley – no photos though as I just enjoyed it from the balcony for myself. The sunset above was taken at Ocean Shores near the start of our road trip. We walked onto the beach and watched the sun go down while listening to the waves gently roll ashore. My favourite. (Go read about it.)

How about you? Show me some “stillness” this week. Don’t forget to tag #SplodzWPC or even better, tag me.

Here are the “rules”:

  1. Post your photos to your favourite social media using hashtag #SplodzWPC
  2. You can post as many photos as you like each week – no limit – go crazy!
  3. Interpret the given theme any way you choose. Include a caption if you want to. Don’t if you don’t want to.
  4. Checkout the hashtag and say hi to other people taking part.
  5. It’s just a bit of fun – use it as a bit of photographic inspiration and enjoy 🙂

As always please interpret the weekly theme as you wish. Have fun – get snapping and sharing, and don’t forget to chat to others who take part too. Enjoy! 

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