Walking along the Water Railway from Lincoln to Boston

Bank Holidays are perfect for spending time doing what you love. With both the Lyke Wake Walk and my Bucket List in mind, I decided to use mine to walk along the Water Railway route from Lincoln to Boston. The … Continued

Exploring Nature’s Spaces in Lincoln

posted in: Health & Fitness, The Outdoors, Travel | 12

Earlier on the year, in an effort to make sure I made time for some long walks before I attempt the Lyke Wake Walk in June, I earmarked a number of Saturdays when I wasn’t at work or doing anything … Continued

{ Sunday Soliloquy } Operation Grand Canyon

posted in: Sunday Soliloquy, Travel | 2

[ so·lil·o·quy – the act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers ] I am re-kindling an old feature on Splodz Blogz after those of you who completed my reader survey told me you liked my … Continued

What Makes You Feel Alive? Hiking Kinder Scout

posted in: The Outdoors, Travel | 6

The lovely Challenge Sophie recently asked me a very simple question. “What makes you feel alive?” Very simple because we all intuitively know the answer to that question. It’s an easy one. It’s those things we do that make us excited, make us smile, … Continued