Not Again!

posted in: Bucket List | 0

Tomorrow I am due to do a Tandem Skydive to raise money for RNIB.

This is the re-booking of the jump I was meant to do on 19th April that was cancelled because of the ash from a volcano affecting British airspace.

Tandem Skydive for RNIB
Tandem Skydive for RNIB

But what is it I hear now?  That some airports may have to close tomorrow because of the ash coming back over the UK?  Pardon?!?!  And we’re not going to know until after midnight tonight?!

Please please please let this not affect East Midlands Airport (the airfield I’m doing my skydive at is covered by EMA air traffic control).

I guess I’ll be phoning the Parachute Club at 7am tomorrow to find out if it’s still on.  I hope so!

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