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Nakd Apple Pie

Recently Nakd tweeted about their Apple Pie “oatie bar” I replied with something along the lines of… er why haven’t I heard about these before?!  They said I should try one – so I went to my local Tesco Express that very day and bought one to see if they tasted anywhere near as good as I’d imagined.

Nakd oatie bars are basically raw fruit, oats and nuts “smooshed together” with some spices.  You might remember I tried some of the Nakd nudie bars for Splodz Blogz a little while ago – this variety is different though, somewhat denser and a little less sweet.

It was the fact this was an apple pie bar that caught my attention.  I absolutely adore apple pie.  I like it when it’s not too sweet, with a little cinnamon, very thin pastry, and custard.  Ok so forget the custard for this comparison…

Nakd bars are made from 100% natural ingredients and have no added sugar or syrup.  They are wheat and dairy free, vegan, and the 68g bar I had counted as two of my five a day.  They are simply cold pressed fruit and oats – they’re not baked, and they are “gleefully made in Wales”.

Ingredients wise this bar is mainly raw dates and (cooked) oats, along with raw raisins, raw apples, raw peanuts, apple juice, raw almonds and raw walnuts – plus a sprinkling of cinnamon and nutmeg for flavour.  All those things are squashed together to make a bar that looks, well, a bit unappetising, but that smells great.

This bar was tasty, although the texture was a bit odd to start with (maybe I was expecting a smoother texture) – but by the second and third bites I’d got used to that and was quite happy with it.  It was quite filling, and with all that fruit great for my energy levels.  The smaller 30g bars would be a better size for a snack (and only 98 calories per bar) – this larger bar was probably enough for breakfast.  I will happily have one of these in my bag for the Spires and Steeples walk later in the year, it’ll do the job just as well as a handful gorp if not better.

Did it taste of apple pie?  Yes it did – not quite the same as the amazing pies my Nan makes, but a really good flavour that does remind you of the classic pudding.

You can buy the single bars all over the place, but if you’d rather buy boxes you can get those direct from the Nakd website.

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