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Carole Nash DNA+

From earlier this year, Carole Nash – the motorbike insurance company – have included their DNA+ for free with every motorbike policy.

Carole Nash kindly sent me some of the DNA+ to mark up my beemer so I could tell you about it.

DNA+ is a solution with a combination of ‘DNA’ and microdot technology that is specific to an individual motorcycle. It is applied to all major components which creates a unique identity for the bike and its parts. That identity, proof of ownership, is stored on a national security register.  It’s not visible to potential thieves in itself, so Carole Nash also supply the rider with a couple of hologram stickers to place somewhere obvious as a deterrent.

The effect of marking a motorcycle in this way is said to heighten “criminal anxiety” by letting them know they’re more likely to get caught – and the bike/parts can more likely be returned to the owner. They are therefore more likely to look for easier targets. And the manufactures of DNA+ claim to have a 100% conviction rate, which is pretty high! The simple fact is thieves don’t want to risk stealing property that is identifiable. Identifiable property significantly increases the chances of them being caught and convicted. In addition, trying to sell on identifiable property is more difficult.

So you’d think I’d get it all on my bike without hesitation right? Er, well to be honest there was a delay, which was mainly down to the perception that this thing was gonna be a couple of hours or more work. In my head I imagined I was going to have to take off most of the fairing, which in itself would be difficult, and painstakingly dab this stuff in all conceivable places over the bike.

But when it actually came to doing it, it took, well, 20 minutes. No time at all really. It takes me longer than that to get ready to go on a motorbike ride. On my F650GS I took off the seat and one fender plate (7 screws) and I could get to everything I needed. It was really easy. You dunk the little mini toilet-brush looking applicator into the bottle and twist onto each location. It goes on as an opaque liquid but dries clear apart from the little teeny dark circles which contain the data.

The pack comes with a leaflet showing the parts that should be marked – a list and a diagram (but of course locations will be different/easier/more difficult to get to depending on the make and model of your motorcyle). I worked my way down it, dabbing the brush in each location. There was plenty of liquid in the bottle to mark all the places suggested plus a few extras that are on my bike like the engine bars and paniers, and even some of the cheaper components too. There’s still a little left too in case I add anything to my bike later. I’m thinking auxiliary lights but I don’t really need them.

I put both the little holographic stickers on too. They’re shiny and very obvious but not massive. I don’t like putting stickers on my bike but there is no point using the DNA+ and then not visibly letting people know the parts are marked. It’s the stickers that are the deterrent; the act of marking is what means getting your bike back is more likely.

Marking your motorcycle, or other property, in this way is a really good idea. And if you take out a policy with Carole Nash (or renew one you already have) you’ll get a kit for free, which is nice. Unfortunately theft happens, but this is one way that we can help deter criminals and if they do strike, giving ourselves a decent chance of seeing our property again.

Find out more about Carole Nash DNA+ on their website.

Disclaimer: I was sent a Carole Nash DNA+ kit for my motorcycle for the purposes of reviewing it on Splodz Blogz. I have not been told what to write and I have been no less honest as a result. 
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