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#BEDN 1 > Introductions

Well good morning and welcome to Blog Everyday in November here on Splodz Blogz! I have decided to take part in this blogging challenge set by Rosalilium to a) see if I can actually manage to keep up with the challenge and b) to hopefully inspire me to write about (and photograph) some different and interesting topics this month.

The first topic we’ve been given is, naturally, “introductions”. So hello there, I’m Zoe and I’m the person behind the posts here on Splodz Blogz. This is me…

Splodz is the name that my sister gave me when we were kids. I’m not quite sure how it got from “Zoe” to “Splodz” but it did, and it stuck. It’s not something any friends have called me, but it is now the name I use online for all social media.

My mantra is Life is all about the journey, I want to make the most of every step and hopefully encourage other people to do the same. I do this by trying to live each moment fully, and with a smile on my face. It doesn’t always work out quite right (when it doesn’t that is character building!), but I do try to live by that statement.

As part of our introduction we’ve been encouraged to share something that long-time readers may not know. As I talk personally on Splodz Blogz all the time I’m not sure if that’s possible, so let me do it this way… which of these three things do you think is a lie?

1) I once went ice skating with Prince Charles

2) I have abseiled down a harbour wall into a sailing boat

3) I bit a hospital porter when being taken to the operating theatre

Comment below with your answer…

I genuinely hope that you enjoy what you read here throughout November, and that we’ll be able to chat and connect over some of the topics we’ve been set to feature. See you again tomorrow!

If you want to take part in the BEDN challenge then head over to Rosalilium for the details, including the daily prompts. I look forward to connecting with you during the month.

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