#BEDN 4 > Food Glorious Food

posted in: Food & Drink, Personal | 1

I begin this post with a confession. I was doing so well. I mean, the plan was to share with you instagram-like photographs of everything I’ve eaten today. I thought it would be a bit of an ode to insgrammers who’ve given the social photo sharing app the reputation that it’s always about food. I was doing so well; I took photos of my breakfast and lunch and snacks, and even some of my drinks. But when it came to dinner I was so preoccupied with my own hunger that it wasn’t until I put my plate in the dishwasher that I remembered that it was supposed to feature here. I couldn’t even take a photo of the empty plate. Oops!

So here is a selection of photographs of the things I’ve eaten and drank today. You’ll be disappointed because my ham, egg and chips dinner (left over gammon from yesterday) was rather splendid.

Food Glorious Food - Water

Food Glorious Food - Cup of Tea

Food Glorious Food - Porridge

Food Glorious Food - Egg Sandwich

Food Glorious Food - Sweet

Food Glorious Food - Juice Box

Food Glorious Food - Water and Snacks

Oh, and for those of you who read my first BEDN post last week you’ll be wanting to know which fact was a lie… well… I can confirm that all three are in fact true!

1) I once went ice skating with Prince Charles. This was when I was at School in Devonport, Plymouth – in 1991 there was an event to open the new Plymouth Pavilions when a handful of kids were invited to go along and ice skate with Prince Charles. Really! Anyone else go?

2) I have abseiled down a harbour wall into a sailing boat. I had an absolutely fabulous outward bounds week at School which involved climbing, abseiling, caving, canoeing, sailing and more. On the last day we had a massive team challenge that involved all the activities we’d been involved in during the week, including one of us abseiling down the harbour wall into a boat. It was amazing, I really enjoyed it.

3) I bit a hospital porter when being taken to the operating theatre. Yes this happened. Sorry. I was in hospital for one of my eye operations and the porter met my teeth. I must have been very upset! Oops.

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