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The Splodz Blogz Photo Challenge | Week 4

I’m loving how many of you are taking part in my little weekly photo challenge – a few more have joined in this week and I really hope you found this theme an interesting one. 

As you will have spotted I changed the hashtag this week to the simpler #SplodzWPC so it’s the same all the time, which should hopefully help us all discover each other’s photographs so we can like, comment, chat and everything else. These links should help:

#SplodzWPC on Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

Please do take this opportunity to head over to your preferred social media and have a look to see what others have been sharing this week.

Here are a couple of mine from this week… if you’re not already following me on instagram now would be the perfect chance to click follow!



But what you’ve come here for is the new theme. This week I’m going for something that will perhaps be a little trickier. Or maybe not. I’m sure you’ll have lots of ideas.

Week 4 Theme: Good Intentions

An example would be this shot I took a little while ago… get where I’m going with this?

But if course how you interpret the theme is completely up to you. Have fun – get snapping and sharing and chatting. Enjoy!


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