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The Splodz Blogz Photo Challenge | Week 5

Are you ready for another week of photo inspiration? I hope so, because that’s the whole point of my weekly photo challenge! 

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the challenge hashtag throughout the week. Head over to your preferred social media and have a look to see what other people have been sharing this week, give photos a like, comment, chat and get to know each other. It is social media after all 🙂

#SplodzWPC on Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

What’s the one thing we are always complaining we don’t have enough of? Or the thing that means we can or can’t do what we want? We constantly check it in both old fashioned and modern ways, and it dictates our lives precisely. You know what it is…

Week 5 Theme: Time

As I try to do each week, here’s an example, a very simple one but hopefully it will help:

But if course how you interpret the theme is completely up to you. Have fun – get snapping and sharing and chatting. Enjoy!

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