The Splodz Blogz Photo Challenge | Week 6

posted in: Photography, Year in Photos | 2

Last week’s theme “time” certainly fuelled your imaginations. We had sunrises and sunsets, old trees, children sleeping, alarm clocks and watches. Thanks to everyone who is joining in, a couple more newbies too this week which is really cool – hope you continue to enjoy the themes as we go through the year, make sure you tell your friends about the challenge and encourage them to join in too. 

If you’re not sure what’s going on here please head over to the first post in the series for loads of details: Splodz Blogz Weekly Photo Challenge

SplodzWPC Weekly Photo Challenge

Make sure you keep an eye on the challenge hashtag and join in the conversation by liking, commenting, chatting, sharing ideas:

#SplodzWPC on Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

Week 6 Theme: Three

Sounds very simple. It could be. Or it could be the most complicated theme so far. Your choice! As always here’s an example – an incredibly simple and not particularly well-executed one I know, I’m sure you can come up with something more interesting and creative.

SplodzWPC - Three Stabilo Pens

How you interpret the weekly theme is completely up to you. Have fun – get snapping and sharing and chatting. Enjoy!

2 Responses

  1. Kezzie

    Ok, I will try to join in this week! If I get a chance (whilst doing packing!). Otherwise, will try to join in another time- will have to be blog though as I cannot still IG!x

    • Splodz

      Oh great hope you get chance to join in. Anywhere is good – Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, blog, all good 😉

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