The Splodz Blogz Photo Challenge | Week 37 #SplodzWPC

posted in: Photography, Year in Photos | 2

It’s “photo of the first day at School” week here in the UK – thousands of mums and dads getting a snap of their kid(s) standing tall outside their front door, posing in their shiny new School uniform. I don’t have kids, but I love the photos that are posted all over facebook and twitter – most of them of happy smiley kids who are proud to be in their uniform and looking forward to heading off to School. Such promise. So I thought I’d challenge you with a theme with this in mind…

SplodzWPC Weekly Photo Challenge

Check out #SplodzWPC on Twitter | InstagramFacebook

Week 37 Theme: School Days

I have the privilege of being involved in University graduation ceremonies. For many such a ceremony marks the end for their formal education, from here it out into the big wide world of work and career and life. I snapped this from the back of one of the ceremonies in Lincoln this week. The Cathedral is just the perfect place for it.

SplodzWPC Education School Days Cathedral Graduation

Here are the “rules”:

  1. Post your photos to your favourite social media using hashtag #SplodzWPC
  2. You can post as many photos as you like each week – no limit – go crazy!
  3. Interpret the given theme any way you choose. Include a caption if you want to. Don’t if you don’t want to.
  4. Checkout the hashtag and say hi to other people taking part.
  5. It’s just a bit of fun – use it as a bit of photographic inspiration and enjoy 🙂

As always please interpret the weekly theme as you wish. Have fun – get snapping and sharing, and don’t forget to chat to others who take part too. Enjoy! 

2 Responses

    • Splodz

      Everyone is good enough to participate! The reason I started it was to provide some inspiration each week to encourage lots of people to get their cameras out and snap away – practice makes perfect 🙂

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