The Splodz Blogz Photo Challenge | Week 43 #SplodzWPC

It’s been a little quiet on here for the last week for which I apologise; life has been a bit busy what with the Outdoor Bloggers weekend and work and everything else. It just means there hasn’t been any time left for putting words and pictures together for Splodz Blogz. Normal service will be resumed as soon as I can find the time and energy, but in the meantime there’s always my weekly photo challenge and this week I’ve been thinking a lot about food.

I mean, you know I think a lot about food a lot of the time, but this week for some reason I have been very hungry and I think with the dark nights the rain and the cold I have simply been craving comfort food. And I just don’t think there is anything more comforting than a good pie.

SplodzWPC Weekly Photo Challenge

Check out #SplodzWPC on Twitter | InstagramFacebook

Week 43 Theme: Pie

I don’t really mind if it’s Shepherd’s, cottage, fish, chicken and mushroom, beef and onion, pork and apple, lemon, apple, or whatever else. As long as there is pie involved I’m generally happy. But for my entry this week I have gone with apple; it is simply one of my very favourite pie fillings and brings back lots of memories. If there is apple pie and custard on the menu, I’m a happy girl. Yes, it’s generally that simple. 

This particular apple pie was at Whale City Bakery in Davenport on the Pacific Coast Highway in California. I had pie there a couple of years ago when we were on our Eagle Rider tour and the waitress said it was the best thing in the bakery. It was so good I made LincsGeek stop there again this summer when we were riding that way so I could repeat my order. Just as good as I remember. Mmmm. 

Apple Pie, Whale City

So there you go this week’s topic is pie and I’d really love to see your pictures – don’t forget to share them using my hashtag #SplodzWPC so I can see them. Show me the pies!


I’d love it if you’d take part in this week’s theme. Here are the “rules”:

  1. Post your photos to your favourite social media using hashtag #SplodzWPC
  2. You can post as many photos as you like each week – no limit – go crazy!
  3. Interpret the given theme any way you choose. Include a caption if you want to. Don’t if you don’t want to.
  4. Checkout the hashtag and say hi to other people taking part.
  5. It’s just a bit of fun – use it as a bit of photographic inspiration and enjoy 🙂

As always please interpret the weekly theme as you wish. Have fun – get snapping and sharing, and don’t forget to chat to others who take part too. Enjoy! 

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