Postcards: Where You’ve Been and What You’ve Seen

posted in: Bucket List, Photography, Travel | 4

One of my favourite features in Lonely Planet magazine is the one that appears right at the start, which includes lots of images taken by readers. Lots of magazines do this – photography magazines, travel magazines, hiking magazines; it’s all about drawing the … Continued

My Travel Bucket List – Transun Competition Entry

posted in: Competition, Travel | 10

Seeing the Northern Lights is quite possibly the thing that sits at the top of the vast majority of people’s bucket lists. It’s certainly got a very definite place on mine, and is one of the original entries. Despite having … Continued

Adding to my Bucket List… Again

posted in: Bucket List, The Outdoors, Travel | 4

I feel like a stuck record when I say that my bucket list is “ever expanding”. The fact is that is really is – I add things to the end of the list as and when they come to mind. … Continued

A Bucket List Re-Focus: My “To Try” List

posted in: Bucket List, Personal, The Outdoors | 4

There is something inspiring about a new year. We might be a couple of weeks in now, but the idea of setting goals and resolutions for the next 12 months is still at the forefront of my mind. I’m still … Continued