A Day Hike on Mam Tor

You all know by now that I like nothing more than being able to take a day off work and heading off into the countryside for a day hike. Having worked a number of Saturdays recently, and missing out on … Continued

{ Sunday Soliloquy } What is Adventure?

posted in: Sunday Soliloquy, The Outdoors | 8

[ so·lil·o·quy – the act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers ] Earlier in the week I read a very interesting blog post by Sean Conway on the Simply Hike website. It was … Continued

Some Goals and Challenges for 2014 – An Update

posted in: Bucket List, Personal | 7

Despite 2014 looking like an incredibly busy year, back in February I was inspired by a number of people to make a short list of goals and challenges I would like to achieve in 2014. As we are currently working our way through … Continued

What Makes You Feel Alive? Hiking Kinder Scout

posted in: The Outdoors, Travel | 6

The lovely Challenge Sophie recently asked me a very simple question. “What makes you feel alive?” Very simple because we all intuitively know the answer to that question. It’s an easy one. It’s those things we do that make us excited, make us smile, … Continued