My Travel Bucket List – Transun Competition Entry

posted in: Competition, Travel | 10

Seeing the Northern Lights is quite possibly the thing that sits at the top of the vast majority of people’s bucket lists. It’s certainly got a very definite place on mine, and is one of the original entries. Despite having … Continued

A Grand Adventure (Blog Comp Entry)

posted in: Competition, The Outdoors, Travel | 2

The idea of this challenge is to come up with a grand adventure costing £1,000 not including the flights. Not including flights? Well in that case I’ll go as far as possible… And the first place that came into my … Continued

Healthy Honey

You always thought honey was healthy right? Well it is. (Phew!) Honey has always been something humans have eaten – a food, a sweetener, a medicine and even as a currency, it was so highly valued.  Apart from having an almost … Continued