posted in: Bucket List, Reviews, The Outdoors | 3

Driving a supercar is one of those wishes that makes it on to a lot of people’s bucket list. And I totally get why. The desire to go really fast, drive something you might only normally see in the movies … Continued

{ Sunday Soliloquy } Give it Everything

posted in: Sunday Soliloquy | 0

[ so·lil·o·quy – the act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers ] By the end of her hour record attempt yesterday, Dame Sarah Storey had exerted so much energy that she couldn’t unclip her … Continued

Shoe Power! Energy Harvesting from Human Motion

posted in: Gadgets & Tech, The Outdoors | 1

With more wearable gadgets being one of the biggest technology predictions of 2015, it is great to see a possible solution to power supply be announced today. A group of German developers from Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft Institute of Micromachining and Information Technology … Continued

What Makes You Feel Alive? Hiking Kinder Scout

posted in: The Outdoors, Travel | 6

The lovely Challenge Sophie recently asked me a very simple question. “What makes you feel alive?” Very simple because we all intuitively know the answer to that question. It’s an easy one. It’s those things we do that make us excited, make us smile, … Continued