Fundraising Buzz

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One thing about doing activities for charity is there is no way you can get around the problem of having to ask (plead with!)  family and friends for money.

The generosity of those who have donated so far is amazing.

But it is important not to lose sight of what others are planning and organising for charity too.

This evening I have had the pleasure of looking at what two friends are doing for charity this year.

Natalie will be doing the Great Manchester Run on 16th May 2010 to raise money for Mind

Mary Colette will be taking part in a trek across the Sahara in November 2010 to raise money for The Children’s Adventure Farm Trust

While one challenge might seem smaller than the other, and both are different to my own Skydiving challenge, we are all striving to raise money to make things better for other people.

I know you probably don’t know Natalie or Mary, and maybe don’t even know me, but if you have a few spare coins and would like to use them to make someone elses life easier or more enjoyable, please sponsor one of us.

Thank you (and the pleading over for now!).

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