Review: Aqua Sphere Siskin Swimsuit

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I’m not sure that when Aqua Sphere sent me their new Siskin swim suit to try out and encourage me back into the water to they realised I would give it its first outing in a shark tank. But you know, I’m a girl with a huge bucket list and when I get invited to swim in a massive fish tank I’m going to grab whichever swim suit I have to hand and go do it. An excuse to share that scary selfie again… 

Snorkelling with Sharks at SEA LIFE Blackpool

Inside the shark tank at SEA Life Blackpool. Wearing my new swim suit. Under my wet suit of course!
Go read about it. 

On that day I naturally wore the suit underneath my borrowed shortie wetsuit to keep me warm and buoyant in the tank. But even with that I was impressed with the Siskin. The biggest reason is the fact that it fits SO well. No, you’re not going to get a photograph of me modelling it (well, other than the one above), but just believe me when I say it is exactly the right shape for my curvy frame, feels secure, and the straps sit perfectly on my shoulders without attempting to twist or dig in or anything else that can make swim suits uncomfortable. I needed a new suit as my old Speedo one was just a bit too small (read: looked and felt terrible), and I’m genuinely pleased that this one came along at the right time.

Aqua Sphere Siskin Vita Swimsuit

You’ll be pleased to know I have since been able to try out my new suit in a normal chlorinated leisure pool. I had a good swim when I was over in Bridgnorth the other week, and I definitely plan to do more soon. I have always been a water baby, I love being in and around the stuff, but I have let my swimming fitness slide hugely. I want it back, and as soon as my local leisure centre is open again (currently closed for refurbishment), I will be finding time to swim when I can. It’s a shame swimming indoors is so expensive – it’s either a gym membership or expensive hotel spa fees neither of which will help me pay for accommodation when we’re over in North America this summer. I could of course go wild swimming, but you know, I’m too chicken for that and I’d definitely need more than a swim suit!

Aqua Sphere Siskin Vita Swimsuit

Aqua Sphere Siskin Vita Swimsuit

Back to the suit. One very interesting thing about it, apart from the fact that I’ve never had such a good fit in swimwear, is that it’s made using recycled material. I like that, it feels like I’m making a good choice for the environment here.

The “VITA” fabric is smooth, fine and noticeably soft to touch; I said “wow soft” out loud when I first took it out of the bag. It’s also strong and provides plenty of muscle hugging support and shape, which is important for swimming – no-one wants a baggy swim suit! The material is apparently highly chlorine resistant (I’ll let you know in a year or two!), and can also cope with sun cream and oil.

The Siskin suit specifically has a double lining with integral bust support and a racer back, which provides a flattering and confident shape along with freedom of movement in the water. And those magic shoulder straps – they are thermo bonded to give excellent comfort and and adjustable fit – are just brilliant.

Aqua Sphere Siskin Vita Swimsuit

Yes this is a technical suit designed primarily for those who swim for fitness, but I would be very happy to wear this for less fitness-oriented activities like being on holiday or splashing about at a water park (never wear a bikini to a water park… always a onepiece!). It ticks all the boxes that serious swimmers require, but also looks great and feels awesome to swim in. It’s definitely helped me rekindle my love of lengths.

Aqua Sphere Siskin Vita Swimsuit

Thank you to Aqua Sphere for sending me their Siskin swim suit to try out. It costs £39.99 and is available in sizes 30-46 from the Aqua Sphere website. You can also check Aqua Sphere out on twitter and instagram for lots of swimming inspiration.


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