The Splodz Blogz Photo Challenge | Week 35 #SplodzWPC

posted in: Photography, Year in Photos | 0

Week 35? We’ve been doing this for a little while now haven’t we? I hope you are still enjoying the weekly themes. Would be great if you could share the idea with your friends this week – let’s get some more people involved in our little photography challenge.

SplodzWPC Weekly Photo Challenge

Check out #SplodzWPC on Twitter | InstagramFacebook

Week 35 Theme: Triumph 

Is mine cheating? I’ve gone for Triumph with an upper case T… this is LincsGeek on his Triumph Tiger Explorer riding through Monument Valley a couple of months ago.

Zartusacan - Riding through Monument Valley

Here are the “rules”:

  1. Post your photos to your favourite social media using hashtag #SplodzWPC
  2. You can post as many photos as you like each week – no limit – go crazy!
  3. Interpret the given theme any way you choose. Include a caption if you want to. Don’t if you don’t want to.
  4. Checkout the hashtag and say hi to other people taking part.
  5. It’s just a bit of fun – use it as a bit of photographic inspiration and enjoy 🙂

As always please interpret the weekly theme as you wish. Have fun – get snapping and sharing, and don’t forget to chat to others who take part too. Enjoy! 

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