posted in: Photography | 0

It’s nearly the end of the month and, because lots of you seem to like the idea of my #SplodzJanPC photo a day challenge, I’m back with a new set of themes (and a new hashtag #SplodzFebPC) ready for February to start. 

SplodzFebPC Daily Photo Challenge Themes from Splodz Blogz

Thanks so much to everyone who has been joining in with my daily photo challenge this month. It’s been awesome to see how you’ve taken the themes and made them your own, sharing your photos over on twitter and instagram each day (or most days!).

If you’d like to go back and have a look at some of the snaps posted in January, here are the links you need:

#SplodzJanPC on twitter | #SplodzJanPC on Instagram

I thought about whether changing the hashtag would be super confusing, but I decided it would be cool to start things again and have something that was specific to the month. So as of 1 February make sure you’re using #SplodzFebPC to share your snaps, and use that hashtag when searching for others taking part too.


We’ve done it once already, but just in case you’re new to the idea, here’s what we do…

First, it would be awesome if you could follow me on twitter or instagram and then either retweet or repost the theme image. It would be fab to have a whole community of daily photo challenge participants this month.

Each day, take a look at the theme I have set and take a photograph with that in mind, then share using the hashtag #SplodzJanPC on your twitter or instagram feed (or facebook or on your blog, if you so choose).

Using the hashtag means I and others taking part can find your photographs and see what you’ve been taking – and it would be cool if you would share the love by commenting on or liking photos that others taking part are sharing. These links should help:

#SplodzFebPC on twitter | #SplodzFebPC on Instagram

Ideally your photograph should be taken on the day listed, but I’m not going to specifically enforce that rule if you want to use images from your archive. Interpret the given theme each day any way you choose, I’m sure you can find a way to make it fit the life you are living that day.

SplodzFebPC Daily Photo Challenge Themes from Splodz Blogz


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