What are your favourite things of the moment? The things you have, the things you do that make you smile, make you feel good, put a smile on your face? I know it’s all about experiences and not things these days, and I am totally signed up for that, but sometimes we need the things to make life easier or more comforting. In my semi-regular currently loving post I share a few of my favourite things – and here’s my latest selection. 

You’ll see that this month I have quite an odd selection, covering all the categories possible… we have fashion, beauty (!), outdoorsy stuff, tech, and a couple of bits that make a second appearance in my currently loving post because they are still right up there in amongst my favourite things.

Currently Loving April 2018 | Splodz Blogz

01. I’m chuffed to have been chosen as an Ordnance Survey GetOutside Champion for a second term, which means… new coat! We’re supported by Craghoppers again and they’ve branded up their Gore-tex Sienna jackets for us; this year’s colour is a gorgeous teal green, and I particularly love that it says GetOutside on the bum… my old blue coat proved to be a superb addition to my gear cupboard, and this new teal one is already proving its worth. If you’re looking for a great waterproof coat, I do highly recommend the Sienna.

02. I am such a popcorn fiend. I just love the stuff, I always have. I can easily eat the biggest box available at the cinema to myself during the trailers. And then one day someone told me that popcorn was a healthy snack… er not a good move because now I have even more of an appetite for it. I used to make my own but the oil smell lingers so much in the kitchen I stopped and started buying big bags of the stuff instead; but I’ve just purchased this microwave popcorn maker recommended by The Urban Wanderer to make it without oil and save on the pennies. What’s your favourite popcorn flavour?

03. I have such trouble skin, but have finally found a daily cleanser and moisturiser that does the job and doesn’t break the bank. The Body Shop Tea Tree range is great; I use the Foaming Cleanser and Mattifying Lotion as part of my daily routine to keep the blemishes to a minimum. There are probably better things out there, but this seems to be doing the job at the moment.

04. I love a shirt, they’re so easy to wear. This checked shirt from H&M is my new favourite – a wardrobe staple.

05. Sian Anna Lewis is such a great role model for women wanting to spend time outdoors, I have the pleasure of knowing her a little and she is one of those gems who always has a smile and a nice word to say. This is her new book – The Girl Outdoors is a guide to going on amazing adventures all over the world. It’s one of those brilliant magazine style coffee table books that you can dip in and out of for inspiration and motivation whenever you need it.


06. Earlier in the year I had a slight incident that involved me falling down the stairs and landing on my elbow; thankfully not broken (although it fooled the doctors to start with…), but incredibly painful swelling and internal bruising that did it’s best to cause me as much pain as possible for several weeks. During that time I was recommended Arnica Cream to sooth the bruising. It’s a traditional herbal remedy used in treating bruises, and while I have no scientific proof, I am convinced it helped me. Thankfully my elbow has (just about) sorted itself out now, but this cream remains in my first aid kit for the next time!

07. I’ve definitely included my wooden sunglasses in a currently loving post before, but I get positive comments every single time I wear them, and they deserve a second outing. Mine are from Sunnies of London, I won them in a competition a couple of years ago, but there are all kinds of brands doing them these days. They are light, comfortable, float, and look awesome.

08. What’s your favourite food? I’m very much a “I’ll eat anything” kind of girl, but if there is pizza on the menu I will probably choose that. Represented here by my trusty pizza stone, for cooking my own at home, I am giving a shout out to the humble pizza… preferably well stretched and cooked in flames.

09. One of the many lovely gifts I was given when I left my job recently after 12.5 years was this brilliantly useful (and really quite cute) Go Eat Cutlery Set by Joseph Joseph. I love it!  It’s really compact, great for travel, and has already proved invaluable for work and trips away. More of the gifts I received will feature in next time’s currently loving, no doubt, but the majority got packed straight away ready for the move.

10. I love my iPad but I hate having it in a chunky case because it ruins the look and feel for me. So I have this smart looking felt slip case by Inateck which was a Christmas gift a couple of years ago, which protects my iPad when it’s in my bag but adds no bulk. I’ve been using this case daily since I got it and it still looks like new, too, which is a great advert for a tech accessory if you ask me.

11. Yes, 11 items ths month. Turns out that counting is not my best subject… sorry! I adore my dusty pink polka dot scarf. I’ve no idea where it came from, or when, but it is basically the perfect scarf. It’s soft, long, thin, comfy and basically goes with everything. If I’m not wearing a Buff, then I am wearing this.

Currently Loving April 2018 | Splodz Blogz

What are you currently loving this month? What do you think of my choices? Tell me in the comments below.

Want to see all my Currently Loving posts? This link should help.

2 Responses

  1. Sarah Irving | The Urban Wanderer

    Great selection of goodies this month, Zoe. I was chuffed to get a mention for my popcorn tip too, thank you. I have two sets of the Joseph Joseph cutlery as I like to keep one in the car too, really useful. I’m currently looking for a pizza steel, apparently they are even better than a stone (although I’d really love to build a pizza cob oven in the garden, now that would be the best thing!)

    As for my favourite things, I currently have a dry bag obsession (thanks to you and Katy!), my new Ice Blue Microphone and some other bits and pieces from my birthday too. I really should make an effort to do a favourites post (I forgot last month!)

    I do enjoy seeing what you’re enjoying and I’m pleased that your elbow is OK!

    • Splodz

      Glad you liked them – and pleased to have inspired you to write your own this month 🙂 🙂

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