Currently Loving | April 2016

Wow this year is going FAST! It could do with slowing down a little to be honest; I hope the next three months don’t go as quickly as the last three. But anyway, it might be a week late but … Continued

A Day Hike on Mam Tor

You all know by now that I like nothing more than being able to take a day off work and heading off into the countryside for a day hike. Having worked a number of Saturdays recently, and missing out on … Continued

Outdoor Bloggers Weekend – Camping and Hiking in Edale

posted in: The Outdoors | 3

Earlier this year Jenni from The Thrifty Magpies Nest and I launched a new network aimed at bloggers who write about the outdoors. Outdoor Bloggers was borne out of a desire to meet up with other writers who love the … Continued