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My Dad is a super talented poet and I love to share his words when I can (read: Life is a Journey). He sent me this poem today as it goes with the first topic of my #SplodzFebPC photo challenge (hope you’re taking part) – boots. Here is “The Boot Tree”.

Tree in the Quinault Rainforest Trail, Olympic National Park/Forest

The Boot Tree

Now boots are made for walking,
But driving down a road,
I came across a strange tree
Bearing a heavy load;
Dangling there by string and lace
For all the world to see,
Were boots and shoes and trainers too,
Twisting and swinging free.

They all seemed pretty useless,
Hung up there in the sky,
Instead of being focussed
On helping sore feet get by;
This is modern art, I think,
With something plain to say
To all who ride along the road:
“Get out and walk today”?

I stopped and paused in wonder
At this artistic flare,
And thought of another tree
On a distant hillside bare;
From it hangs forgiveness,
A message for you and me –
To set us back upon our feet
So we could walk home, free!

David Radford

Hiking Boots

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