Recovery Following a Physical Challenge

posted in: Health & Fitness, The Outdoors | 2

I know from experience that following any kind of physical exercise, if I am working hard, I will ache. I think we all do. My joints get stiff, my back and neck aches, and my leg and arm muscles let … Continued

Review: Lightweight Walking with Brasher Supalite Active GTX

posted in: Reviews, The Outdoors | 0

I love trying out walking boots, and the latest pair I’ve been testing out are these Brasher Supalite Active GTX which to be honest are more like trainers to wear because they are so light. Designed for leisurely walks rather … Continued

Review: Brooks Lady Adrenaline GTS 13 Running Shoes from

I mentioned in my post about my dream motorcycling holiday that I need to get myself fitter and stonger over the next year if I am to enjoy it as much as I want to. One way I am doing … Continued