Review: TevaSphere Speed

TevaSphere by Teva is said to be the most stable running shoe available. You’ll notice straight away in the photos the two features that lead to this – the support pods (I like to call them “wings”!) on either side … Continued

Review: SIGG Classic Bottle and Alu Box

posted in: Gadgets & Tech, Reviews, The Outdoors | 3

It has long been generally accepted that packing up your own lunch to take to work is cheaper than buying lunch every day. Being organised with our at-work-food-intake by making it in advance also helps us keep track of what … Continued

Review: Vanish Oxi Action Powder

posted in: Fashion, Home, Reviews | 0

I’m clumsy. And messy. There aren’t many ladylike bones in my body. And so when it comes to my clothes, they generally get dirty very quickly. Especially the light coloured ones. I’m talking spaghetti bolognaise splatters, pen marks, tea splashes, … Continued